A New Hampshire newspaper tears into Hillary Clinton for breaking her pledge not to campaign in Florida: "Sen. Hillary Clinton signed a pledge not to "campaign or participate" in the Michigan or Florida Democratic primaries. She participated in both primaries and is campaigning in Florida. Which proves, again, that Hillary Clinton is a liar."
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hillary Clinton's word: It's worth nothing
A New Hampshire newspaper tears into Hillary Clinton for breaking her pledge not to campaign in Florida: "Sen. Hillary Clinton signed a pledge not to "campaign or participate" in the Michigan or Florida Democratic primaries. She participated in both primaries and is campaigning in Florida. Which proves, again, that Hillary Clinton is a liar."
What the Fed's big rate cut means to you
If you’ve been investing for a while, you’ve lived through the '87 crash and the tech-stock collapse , but that doesn’t make this year’s plunge easy to stomach. So, what’s it mean to you ?
Republicans Scared: "Obama is the Democrats' Reagan"
Here is a great article from a conservative Republican commentator on Beliefnet. This echoes what we Obama supporters have been saying for months. He thinks Obama will "win in a landslide" if he wins the Democratic nomination: "If I were a Republican, I'd be very, very afraid. Oh wait, I am a Republican. Dang. Lord have mercy."
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Recession Bound? Economy Stalls
The U.S. economy grew by just 0.6 percent last quarter; worst growth since 2002.
Beleagured Hillary Defies DNC Rules - Heads to Florida
Hillary Clinton said she will go to Florida to assure Democrats that “their voices are heard” and to underscore her pledge to seat the state’s delegation at the convention. Though Democratic candidates largely have heeded the DNC’s request that they not campaign publicly in Florida, Clinton said it’s time to pay attention to FL voters.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Chavez Urges Withdrawals From U.S. Banks
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez urged his Latin American allies on Saturday to begin withdrawing billions of dollars in international reserves from U.S. banks, warning of a looming U.S. economic crisis.
Debt Consolidation and You...
Being in debt is one of the most terrible feelings you can experience. It takes away your pride, and any hopes of feeling free. Debt has consumed our nation like none other, and shows no signs of stopping. The greedy are getting their money at a record pace, and it doesnt seem like they care to do much more about it then collect money at any cost. Most of the blame can be carried over to the government, which is coaxed into doing the financial institutions bidding, and being wined and dined by lobbyists alike.
debt counseling, debt consolidation, finance, credit, loans, financial freedom, finance guide, business loans
Protecting investments from steep stock slides
There are ways to minimize losses in a stock market downturn, and you can even profit from one. But each technique, from stop-loss orders to short sales to “put” options, has drawbacks.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Americans slow to spend down IRA balances
BREAKING: OMG We're Going To Die!
US spy satellite is unpowered and uncontrollable. Unknown at this time where it will crash into the Earth. Hopefully onto Giulliani.
As economy tumbles, retirees scramble to cope
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Obama Online Donations: $500,000/hour After SC Win
The Obama campaign measures online donations every 15 minutes, and the source said that online money was pouring in at the rate of more than $500,000 per hour.
Busted: New York Times revises own history on Iraq war
In The New York Times today, Hillary Clinton received a primary endorsement from the paper, however, the paper seemed to have revised some of its supportive statements issued in the lead up to the Iraq war.
SocGen trader questioned for second day (Reuters)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Will Senate Tinker With Stimulus Bill?
Stimulus bill could be delayed by fight to extend unemployment benefits.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Tardy Giuliani turns elderly supporters into "angry mob"
As former Mayor of New York City of all places, Giuliani should know that you don't tell a bunch of likely retired New Yorkers to show up three hours early when you're trying to win the electoral fight of your life.
Steamy Airline Drama Grips Thailand
Thai Airways objects to steamy Thai soap opera about flight attendants.
Best Buy Cashes in on Heath Ledger's Death
Come on best buy you can do better than that? But then again this is a capitalistic nation....
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Now the Three Little Pigs are racist!
In yet another case of political correctness gone mad, a British education agency has slammed an electronic version of the classic fairy tale as it 'could offend Muslims'.
Ford Offers Buyouts to 54,000 Workers
Automaker plans to replace those leaving with lower-paid workers.
Starbucks Tests $1 Coffee, Free Refills
Starbucks stores in Seattle sell small cups for $1 -- will other markets follow?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Market surges late (Reuters)
Barack OBAMA on Present VOTES
PLease read if you are concerned about Senator Obama's present votes. They served a purpose and were done with intention
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Take that New Year’s resolution to the bank
Want to save money or boost your earnings in the coming year? TODAY Financial editor Jean Chatzky shares tips on how to get your finances into shape for 2008.
10 Tips: Beat 'Gotcha Capitalism'
New book provides step-by-step instructions to help ordinary consumers fight back against the fly-by-night companies and the Goliaths that are nickel-and-diming us to death.
In uncertain times, invest in the long-term
Monday, January 21, 2008
How to recover from holiday ‘debt hangover’
As the credit card bills start rolling in this month from the recent holiday season, many consumers are going to get that queasy feeling that they've overindulged.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Your money is no good at the Taj Mahal
In yet another troubling sign for the greenback, at least one of the seven wonders of the world is now off limits if you have only U.S. currency in your pocket.
When Attacked, Obama's Now Hitting Back
The hundreds of people who turned out at the University of Nevada on Friday heard Sen. Barack Obama deliver a lofty stump speech about bridging the nation's divides and creating a groundswell for change. But they also witnessed him engage in the more mundane task of rebutting attacks from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Bill Clinton - Experience Matters... except when I ran
Bill Clinton gets called out on his belief that Obama isnt experienced enough... oh wait, he said in 1992 experience doesn't matter.
Slide takes $50 mln in funding amid Facebook craze (Reuters)
New House Bill Calls for Paper Ballots and an audit trail
A New Jersey congressman hopes to introduce a bill in the House that would offer $600 million to voting districts across the nation that convert to paper ballots or put in audit systems in time for the November presidential election.The Confidence in Voting Act of 2008, hopes to provide a paper audit trail for 2008 US Elections.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Is it Genocide Yet? 2,000,000 Iraqis Have Died Since 2003
So far two million innocent Iraqis have died because of years of sanctions and the 2003 Iraq War.
UniCredit denies report of interest in Merrill (Reuters)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Pot activist Emery cuts deal for jail sentence with U.S.
Does this count as extraordinary rendition? Marc Emery has never set foot in the US, and his seed-selling business was tolerated in Canada. But the long arm of the DEA apparently no longer needs to respect national borders, so Marc Emery cut a deal to prevent his two friends from going to jail, too.
Court: MSNBC Can Bar Kucinich
LAS VEGAS (AP) — The Nevada Supreme Court said Tuesday MSNBC can exclude Democratic presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich from a candidate debate
Democracy Now Re-Hosts NBC debate to Include Kucinich
Kucinich was missing from the stage at last night’s Democratic debate hosted by MSNBC. Democracy Now decided to break the sound barrier and give Kucinich a chance to take part. In an exclusive broadcast, with excerpts of the debate, the Ohio Congressman answers the questions he might have faced if he hadn’t been been silenced.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Study: Airport Screening Process Pointless
All the security restrictions don't make flying any safer, a study finds.
79% Say Change = Rejecting the Bush Agenda.
79% percent of Americans “say the next president should set the nation on a new course rather than following the direction in which Bush has been leading,” including two thirds who “feel that way strongly.” “For the first time this is even more than said so about Bush’s father, 75 %, the summer before he was voted out of office.
Romney Tied to Global Warming Denier Group
Aides and staffers of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are listed among the principals of a new Astroturf group set up last fall to deny the science of global warming.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
90% of World Bank Aid Money Consumed By Corruption
Corruption is an endemic problem in bank projects, swallowing unknown but significant chunks from its $30 billion-plus annual portfolio. No less a problem has been the bank staff's ferocious resistance to anything that might stand in the way of its lending ever more money to projects run by the same governments that tolerate this malfeasance.
Answer Desk front page
Although Uncle Sam might not usually be included in your holiday plans, wrapping up a few simple financial tasks before the end of the year can help carry the joy of the season all the way through April 15. ?Financial Editor Jean Chatzky shares practical advice on how to prepare your accounts for the new year.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Diebold Voting Machine Failures Found Across NH During Prima
Election Officials Confirm that Employees from LHS Associates, Diebold's Sole Programmer, Vendor and Service Provider in NH, Were Allowed to Access Vulnerable Optical-Scan Systems Throughout Election Day. Early research into New Hampshire wards and towns which used Diebold's AccuVote Optical-Scan voting machines during last week's Primary, reveals
Home Toxic Home? A Couple's Nightmare
After young couple bought house, they found note warning them about mold.
Unmuzzling High School Journalists
What happened at the Supreme Court 20 years ago tomorrow has been long forgotten by most Americans -- if they ever heard about it at all. Unlike the better-known decisions of the last century, the ruling handed down on Jan. 13, 1988, had nothing to do with race or abortion rights. It didn't become fodder for presidential candidates and hasn't...
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Writedowns hit US investor sentiment (FT.com)
FT.com - Wall Street stocks fell sharply on Friday amid fears of bigger-than-expected writedowns and loan-losses at financial companies and as Bank of America (NYSE:BAC) agreed to absorb Countrywide Financial, the troubled mortgage lender.
12 Lessons from Business Masters
Here is an wonderful collection of 12 simple but vital business lessons from the world’s great business success stories, including Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, John D Rockefeller, Jack Welch, Steve Jobs and many more.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Millions Lose Homes, Lender CEO Gets $88M
Mortgage giant Countrywide is at the center of subprime crisis.
Whistleblower effectively gagged by FBI
Originally cleared to give speech about discrimination, retaliation within the agency, highest-ranking Arab American agent slapped with new restrictions, stern warning.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Delta Could Merge with United, Northwest
A merger would create the biggest airline in the US eclipsing American Airlines.
Bank gloom overshadows prospect of lower rates (Reuters)
Reuters - Further interest rate cuts may be in the
offing and money market rates may be easing but news from the
world's major banks on Friday gave no indication that the
global credit crisis is abating.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
'Iron My Shirt' protesters were pro-Hillary plants
Nick Gemelli, born at least a decade after "iron my shirts" was an anti-women’s rights slogan, was later spotted with a Hillary for President sticker on his laptop's carrying case. Gonzales, the other "sexist," was later spotted wearing a Hillary For President button. The "sexist" outburst is partly credited with swaying women to Hillary in NH.
2007: Safest Year to Fly Since 1963
Last year saw the least number of accidents in decades; 965 people died.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Town may pay seniors to work off taxes
A New York town is pushing a program that would let seniors work part-time, for $7 an hour, to help pay off some of their property taxes.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Cars You'd Never Think Were Overpriced
Don't overpay for that car. Learn which cars are overpriced and how to save.
Crush Time in the City ... Grapes, That Is
Forget the vineyard vistas -- this new wine country is right down the street.
Violence may have cost Kenyan economy a billion dollars: ministry (AFP)
Monday, January 7, 2008
Fox News focus groups never change [PIC]
All the major newspapers refused to print Wexler, Gutierrez, and Tammy Baldwin’s impeachment op-ed recently so it’s surprising to see The Washington Post finally allow an argument to be made for just that on their sacred pages: “Why I Believe Bush Must Go: Nixon Was Bad. These Guys Are Worse.” The Village elders will be most upset.
Kucinich calling for protest at tonight's NH debate
Calling ALL Kucinich supporters -PROTEST OUTSIDE THE DEBATE TONIGHT 8PM.Stand up for Democracy! Do not let this corporate decision to exclude a candidate of the people pass by without voicing your dissent!Saint Anselm College - DANA CENTER100 Saint Anselm DriveManchester New Hampshire 03102 8:00 PM
Is work too good to give up?
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Rudy Giuliani's disgusting new Ad - Next Crisis MOMENTS away
Please oh please don't let Mr. 9/11 become our next president...
Answer Desk: Questions we didn’t get to in 2007
We get all kinds of business and financial questions at the Answer Desk. Here are some we didn’t get to in 2007. The Answer Desk, by msnbc.com’s John W. Schoen.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Bill Moyers Journal: Crashing The Parties? Viewer Comments
Bill Moyers interviews Ron Paul & Dennis Kucinich. Does the two-party system adequately provide citizens with real choices on various issues? If not, can citizens reform the parties to change this?As Ron Paul’s Web-based, grassroots-driven campaign has seen some success, do you think the Internet can democratize the political process?
Friday, January 4, 2008
School Inc. front page
Although Uncle Sam might not usually be included in your holiday plans, wrapping up a few simple financial tasks before the end of the year can help carry the joy of the season all the way through April 15. ?Financial Editor Jean Chatzky shares practical advice on how to prepare your accounts for the new year.
More job cuts expected in mortgage banking (Reuters)
Reuters - The pace of job losses in mortgage
lending slowed in December, as some companies shifted workers
to other areas of financial services, but the losses may pick
up again in the new year as the U.S. housing market continues
to weaken and credit remains tight.
Obama, Huckabee win Iowa
Barack Obama will win the Iowa Democratic caucus, CNN projects, based on early results.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
U.S. auto sales end '07 on weak note (Reuters)
U.S. retail sales rise 14 pct in post-holiday week (Reuters)
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
We have everything to fear from ID cards
"...Surveillance cameras and lost data will prove minuscule problems next to ID cards, which will obliterate the fundamental right to walk around in society as an unknown."
Game Group sees year profit ahead of forecast (Reuters)
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Taxman giveth this holiday season
Just in time for Christmas, Oregon taxpayers have gotten some extra spending money from an unlikely Santa Claus: their state government.
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